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Are you going abroad

Of course, going abroad with a HuurMij vehicle is no problem.
However, this does come with a few conditions.

If you are going abroad, you are required to report this in advance, as well as the countries you plan to visit.
You may travel to the following countries within Europe:

  • Belgium (B)
  • Denmark (DK)
  • Germany (D)
  • Finland (FIN)
  • France (F)
  • Greece (GR)
  • Hungary (H)
  • Ireland (IRL)
  • Italy (I)
  • Croatia (HR)
  • Luxembourg (L)
  • Norway (N)
  • Austria (A)
  • Poland (PL)
  • Portugal (P)
  • Slovenia (SLO)
  • Slovakia (SK)
  • Spain (E)
  • Czech Republic (CZ)
  • United Kingdom (GB)
  • Sweden (S)
  • Switzerland (CH)

When in doubt, always contact us first.

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For trips abroad, international replacement transportation insurance is also required.

We offer this insurance for €5.00 per rental day.

Also keep in mind that many countries charge tolls in different ways or have vignette requirements. In doing so, many places require an environmental and/or toll sticker. These costs are always at your own expense and cannot be claimed from us in any way.

HuurMij Amsterdam
HuurMij Amsterdam

Karel Doormanstraat 105e, 1055 VD 020 688 10 15 amsterdam@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Alphen a/d Rijn
HuurMij Alphen a/d Rijn

Handelsweg 14, 2404 CD 0172 426 657 alphen@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Haarlem
HuurMij Haarlem

Koudenhorn 24-30, 2011 JD 023 53 19 131 haarlem@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Leiden
HuurMij Leiden

Pesthuislaan 8, 2333 BA 071 51 34 700 leiden@huurmij.nl

HuurMij Leiderdorp
HuurMij Leiderdorp

Lijnbaan 12, 2352 CK 071 5 820 820 leiderdorp@huurmij.nl